Sunday, January 3

i am bothered...
for all the while i thought that everything said will be okay, bearing the thought that "It's just a matter of how you react or deal with the things being said: the things being done".
for me i was badly shocked, I thought I'd break into comma after knowing the truth.
I am hurt, hurt in a bad way. It sucks, it sucks being stucked, being left behind but it fucks when somebody you found so precious was broken into pieces, into smitherens and at the end you'll find yourself the last one to know that the lock of the door has changed! Do you know what it feels like???
it's more than swallowing your precious pride, it's more than being scold up with your mom after messing up with your friends, it's more than tose, it's more than ouch, it's more than shit and it's more than damn!
For all the while,I thought I were the one loved by him and to love him...for all the while. It took me a lot of time, a lot of tears and a lot of attention to go to waste after knowing the truth. It hurts seeing the two of them happy together when all you want is seeing the two of them quarrel and laugh upon the thought of it.
the hardest part is accepting that ^FACT^, that #@$!&*% fact that the world would never acknowledge the TWO of YOU but only the TWO of THEM!
it's never nice to be left out!

1 comment:

Kiyuki MeiLi Chizuko said...

I'm SORRY but I just can't help giggling about this..Your cusswords and all..
anyway, that's life, it's teasing you...and you get irritated, and everyone notices them more than you being with him...

consider this:
their situation draws people's attention, in a manner that it's somehow seen eccentric or knowing that male seahorses give birth instead of the usual female births, and we say "okay, that's odd"...but seeing them in reality wolud make us gasp "Woah! WHat the F***! It really gave birth! Look, he becomes pale and I cannot imagine that he would want to experience a baby seahorse birth again!

It happens, yeah, but It's freakin! get the satire? And you're hurt, please identify if what you're feeling is still the same old feeling? or are you just trying to feel it just the same for the sake of feeling like it? there are times when we bring back feelings unconsciously, it might be a form of checking your vital signs really.. if for a long time you've not been exposed to a kind of situation like such, it's possible to linger and re-feel the situation over and over again..that is, to check if you still have "LIFE"...