For us human, it is always a God-given right to trust ones self , to love ones self and to rely ones self. We may not be satisfied with the ideas that our mind can formulate but remember that a thousand-mile journey starts with a single step. Great leaps and strides are impossible without learning and executing small and swaggering steps. Do not be afraid of the possible outcome of utilizing your own ideas, they may bring us disappointments and frustrations because they turn out to be several failures but always remember that mistakes are the lifeblood of learning. Like a metal blade ourselves must be sharpened day-to-day by the experiences that environment could offer us. The experiences that I am re

We may be afraid to go one step higher from where we are standing because of the dismantling remarks we received and we will receive from the people around us but think of the opportunities that line in front of your journey toward self-satisfaction in your golden years. Due to depreciated strength and cognitive skills, once we are there we can do nothing but reminisce with the memoirs of success and inevitably memoirs of failures. This one big reason for trusting the power that lies beyond your own ability and ideas, to trust oneself and to pursue escalated disposition in life once still young and able.
One might not see this as a striking predicament but if one grows old but I see this as horrifying and threatening. I do not want to spend the rest of my golden years in life remembering my past that is filled with miseries and

There is more of a loser to a person who lost in the game and that is the person who had not given himself the chance to join the game because of deep aversion toward losing. I abhor\or person who say “ I can not do that” followed by the traditional excuses like “because I am not him”, “ because I did not undergo this and that”, “ because I am not capable of doing it” and “ because I do not want to be embarrassed”. Do not these people deprive themselves against success and transition? Of course they can not do it now but sooner or later they already can. Deep determination and self-esteem coupled with humor should be either acquired or learned by these people. After learning or acquiring it they should characterize it. With these comes self-reliance.
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